.. index:: single: Cache Pool single: Couchabase Cache .. _couchbase-adapter: Couchbase Cache Adapter ======================= .. versionadded:: 5.1 The CouchbaseBucketAdapter was introduced in Symfony 5.1. This adapter stores the values in-memory using one (or more) `Couchbase server`_ instances. Unlike the :ref:`APCu adapter `, and similarly to the :ref:`Memcached adapter `, it is not limited to the current server's shared memory; you can store contents independent of your PHP environment. The ability to utilize a cluster of servers to provide redundancy and/or fail-over is also available. .. caution:: **Requirements:** The `Couchbase PHP extension`_ as well as a `Couchbase server`_ must be installed, active, and running to use this adapter. Version ``2.6`` or greater of the `Couchbase PHP extension`_ is required for this adapter. This adapter expects a `Couchbase Bucket`_ instance to be passed as the first parameter. A namespace and default cache lifetime can optionally be passed as the second and third parameters:: use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\CouchbaseBucketAdapter; $cache = new CouchbaseBucketAdapter( // the client object that sets options and adds the server instance(s) \CouchbaseBucket $client, // the name of bucket string $bucket, // a string prefixed to the keys of the items stored in this cache $namespace = '', // the default lifetime (in seconds) for cache items that do not define their // own lifetime, with a value 0 causing items to be stored indefinitely $defaultLifetime = 0, ); Configure the Connection ------------------------ The :method:`Symfony\\Component\\Cache\\Adapter\\CouchbaseBucketAdapter::createConnection` helper method allows creating and configuring a `Couchbase Bucket`_ class instance using a `Data Source Name (DSN)`_ or an array of DSNs:: use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\CouchbaseBucketAdapter; // pass a single DSN string to register a single server with the client $client = CouchbaseBucketAdapter::createConnection( 'couchbase://localhost' // the DSN can include config options (pass them as a query string): // 'couchbase://localhost:11210?operationTimeout=10' // 'couchbase://localhost:11210?operationTimeout=10&configTimout=20' ); // pass an array of DSN strings to register multiple servers with the client $client = CouchbaseBucketAdapter::createConnection([ 'couchbase://', 'couchbase://', 'couchbase://', // etc... ]); // a single DSN can define multiple servers using the following syntax: // host[hostname-or-IP:port] (where port is optional). Sockets must include a trailing ':' $client = CouchbaseBucketAdapter::createConnection( 'couchbase:?host[localhost]&host[localhost:12345]' ); Configure the Options --------------------- The :method:`Symfony\\Component\\Cache\\Adapter\\CouchbaseBucketAdapter::createConnection` helper method also accepts an array of options as its second argument. The expected format is an associative array of ``key => value`` pairs representing option names and their respective values:: use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\CouchbaseBucketAdapter; $client = CouchbaseBucketAdapter::createConnection( // a DSN string or an array of DSN strings [], // associative array of configuration options [ 'username' => 'xxxxxx', 'password' => 'yyyyyy', 'configTimeout' => '100', ] ); Available Options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``username`` (type: ``string``) Username for connection ``CoucbaseCluster``. ``password`` (type: ``string``) Password of connection ``CouchbaseCluster``. ``operationTimeout`` (type: ``int``, default: ``2500000``) The operation timeout (in microseconds) is the maximum amount of time the library will wait for an operation to receive a response before invoking its callback with a failure status. ``configTimeout`` (type: ``int``, default: ``5000000``) How long (in microseconds) the client will wait to obtain the initial configuration. ``configNodeTimeout`` (type: ``int``, default: ``2000000``) Per-node configuration timeout (in microseconds). ``viewTimeout`` (type: ``int``, default: ``75000000``) The I/O timeout (in microseconds) for HTTP requests to Couchbase Views API. ``httpTimeout`` (type: ``int``, default: ``75000000``) The I/O timeout (in microseconds) for HTTP queries (management API). ``configDelay`` (type: ``int``, default: ``10000``) Config refresh throttling Modify the amount of time (in microseconds) before the configiration error threshold will forcefully be set to its maximum number forcing a configuration refresh. ``htconfigIdleTimeout`` (type: ``int``, default: ``4294967295``) Idling/Persistence for HTTP bootstrap (in microseconds). ``durabilityInterval`` (type: ``int``, default: ``100000``) The time (in microseconds) the client will wait between repeated probes to a given server. ``durabilityTimeout`` (type: ``int``, default: ``5000000``) The time (in microseconds) the client will spend sending repeated probes to a given key's vBucket masters and replicas before they are deemed not to have satisfied the durability requirements. .. tip:: Reference the `Couchbase Bucket`_ extension's `predefined constants`_ documentation for additional information about the available options. .. _`Couchbase PHP extension`: https://docs.couchbase.com/sdk-api/couchbase-php-client-2.6.0/files/couchbase.html .. _`predefined constants`: https://docs.couchbase.com/sdk-api/couchbase-php-client-2.6.0/classes/Couchbase.Bucket.html .. _`Couchbase server`: https://couchbase.com/ .. _`Couchbase Bucket`: https://docs.couchbase.com/sdk-api/couchbase-php-client-2.6.0/classes/Couchbase.Bucket.html .. _`Data Source Name (DSN)`: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_source_name