.. index:: single: Cache Pool single: Doctrine Cache .. _doctrine-adapter: Doctrine Cache Adapter ====================== This adapter wraps any class extending the `Doctrine Cache`_ abstract provider, allowing you to use these providers in your application as if they were Symfony Cache adapters. This adapter expects a ``\Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider`` instance as its first parameter, and optionally a namespace and default cache lifetime as its second and third parameters:: use Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider; use Doctrine\Common\Cache\SQLite3Cache; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\DoctrineAdapter; $provider = new SQLite3Cache(new \SQLite3(__DIR__.'/cache/data.sqlite'), 'youTableName'); $cache = new DoctrineAdapter( // a cache provider instance CacheProvider $provider, // a string prefixed to the keys of the items stored in this cache $namespace = '', // the default lifetime (in seconds) for cache items that do not define their // own lifetime, with a value 0 causing items to be stored indefinitely (i.e. // until the database table is truncated or its rows are otherwise deleted) $defaultLifetime = 0 ); .. tip:: A :class:`Symfony\\Component\\Cache\\DoctrineProvider` class is also provided by the component to use any PSR6-compatible implementations with Doctrine-compatible classes. .. _`Doctrine Cache`: https://github.com/doctrine/cache