.. index:: single: Cache Pool single: PHP Array Cache PHP Array Cache Adapter ======================= This adapter is a high performance cache for static data (e.g. application configuration) that is optimized and preloaded into OPcache memory storage. It is suited for any data that is mostly read-only after warmup:: use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\PhpArrayAdapter; // somehow, decide it's time to warm up the cache! if ($needsWarmup) { // some static values $values = [ 'stats.products_count' => 4711, 'stats.users_count' => 1356, ]; $cache = new PhpArrayAdapter( // single file where values are cached __DIR__ . '/somefile.cache', // a backup adapter, if you set values after warmup new FilesystemAdapter() ); $cache->warmUp($values); } // ... then, use the cache! $cacheItem = $cache->getItem('stats.users_count'); echo $cacheItem->get(); .. note:: This adapter requires turning on the ``opcache.enable`` php.ini setting.