.. index:: single: Config; Caching based on resources Caching based on Resources ========================== When all configuration resources are loaded, you may want to process the configuration values and combine them all in one file. This file acts like a cache. Its contents don’t have to be regenerated every time the application runs – only when the configuration resources are modified. For example, the Symfony Routing component allows you to load all routes, and then dump a URL matcher or a URL generator based on these routes. In this case, when one of the resources is modified (and you are working in a development environment), the generated file should be invalidated and regenerated. This can be accomplished by making use of the :class:`Symfony\\Component\\Config\\ConfigCache` class. The example below shows you how to collect resources, then generate some code based on the resources that were loaded and write this code to the cache. The cache also receives the collection of resources that were used for generating the code. By looking at the "last modified" timestamp of these resources, the cache can tell if it is still fresh or that its contents should be regenerated:: use Symfony\Component\Config\ConfigCache; use Symfony\Component\Config\Resource\FileResource; $cachePath = __DIR__.'/cache/appUserMatcher.php'; // the second argument indicates whether or not you want to use debug mode $userMatcherCache = new ConfigCache($cachePath, true); if (!$userMatcherCache->isFresh()) { // fill this with an array of 'users.yaml' file paths $yamlUserFiles = ...; $resources = []; foreach ($yamlUserFiles as $yamlUserFile) { // see the article "Loading resources" to // know where $delegatingLoader comes from $delegatingLoader->load($yamlUserFile); $resources[] = new FileResource($yamlUserFile); } // the code for the UserMatcher is generated elsewhere $code = ...; $userMatcherCache->write($code, $resources); } // you may want to require the cached code: require $cachePath; In debug mode, a ``.meta`` file will be created in the same directory as the cache file itself. This ``.meta`` file contains the serialized resources, whose timestamps are used to determine if the cache is still fresh. When not in debug mode, the cache is considered to be "fresh" as soon as it exists, and therefore no ``.meta`` file will be generated.