.. index:: single: Polyfill single: ICU single: Components; Polyfill The Symfony Polyfill / Intl ICU Component ========================================= This component provides a native PHP implementation of several Intl functions and classes to users who run PHP versions without the ``intl`` extension. Installation ------------ .. code-block:: terminal $ composer require symfony/polyfill-intl-icu .. include:: /components/require_autoload.rst.inc Usage ----- Once this component is installed in your application, you can use the following classes and functions, no matter if the `PHP intl extension`_ is installed or not in your server. Provided Classes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * :phpclass:`Collator` * :phpclass:`IntlDateFormatter` * :phpclass:`Locale` * :phpclass:`NumberFormatter` Provided Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * :phpfunction:`intl_error_name` * :phpfunction:`intl_get_error_code` * :phpfunction:`intl_get_error_message` * :phpfunction:`intl_is_failure` .. seealso:: Symfony provides more polyfills for other classes and functions related to the Intl PHP extension: :doc:`polyfill-intl-grapheme `, :doc:`polyfill-intl-idn `, :doc:`polyfill-intl-messageformatter `, and :doc:`polyfill-intl-normalizer `. .. _`PHP intl extension`: https://secure.php.net/manual/en/book.intl.php