.. index:: single: Polyfill single: PHP single: Components; Polyfill The Symfony Polyfill / PHP 7.2 Component ======================================== This component provides some PHP 7.2 features to applications using earlier PHP versions. Installation ------------ .. code-block:: terminal $ composer require symfony/polyfill-php72 .. include:: /components/require_autoload.rst.inc Usage ----- Once this component is installed in your application, you can use the following constants and functions, no matter if your PHP version is earlier than PHP 7.2. Provided Constants ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``PHP_OS_FAMILY`` (value = depends on your operating system) Provided Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * :phpfunction:`sapi_windows_vt100_support` (only on Windows systems) * :phpfunction:`spl_object_id` * :phpfunction:`stream_isatty` * :phpfunction:`utf8_decode` * :phpfunction:`utf8_encode`