Securely Generating Random Values ================================= The Symfony Security component comes with a collection of nice utilities related to security. These utilities are used by Symfony, but you should also use them if you want to solve the problem they address. .. note:: The functions described in this article were introduced in PHP 5.6 or 7. For older PHP versions, a polyfill is provided by the `Symfony Polyfill Component`_. Comparing Strings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The time it takes to compare two strings depends on their differences. This can be used by an attacker when the two strings represent a password for instance; it is known as a `Timing attack`_. When comparing two passwords, you should use the :phpfunction:`hash_equals` function:: if (hash_equals($knownString, $userInput)) { // ... } Generating a Secure Random String ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whenever you need to generate a secure random string, you are highly encouraged to use the :phpfunction:`random_bytes` function:: $random = random_bytes(10); The function returns a random string, suitable for cryptographic use, of the number bytes passed as an argument (10 in the above example). .. tip:: The ``random_bytes()`` function returns a binary string which may contain the ``\0`` character. This can cause trouble in several common scenarios, such as storing this value in a database or including it as part of the URL. The solution is to hash the value returned by ``random_bytes()`` with a hashing function such as :phpfunction:`md5` or :phpfunction:`sha1`. Generating a Secure Random Number ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you need to generate a cryptographically secure random integer, you should use the :phpfunction:`random_int` function:: $random = random_int(1, 10); .. _`Timing attack`: .. _`Symfony Polyfill Component`: