How to Use MongoDbSessionHandler to Store Sessions in a MongoDB Database ======================================================================== The default Symfony session storage writes the session information to files. Some medium to large websites use a NoSQL database called MongoDB to store the session values instead of files, because databases are easier to use and scale in a multi-webserver environment. Symfony has a built-in solution for NoSQL database session storage called :class:`Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\Session\\Storage\\Handler\\MongoDbSessionHandler`. To use this, you will need to: A) Register a ``MongoDbSessionHandler`` service; B) Configure this under ``framework.session.handler_id`` configuration. To see how to configure a similar handler, see :doc:`/doctrine/pdo_session_storage`. Setting Up the MongoDB Collection --------------------------------- You do not need to do anything to initialize your session collection. However, you may want to add an index to improve garbage collection performance. From the `MongoDB shell`_: .. code-block:: javascript use session_db db.session.ensureIndex( { "expires_at": 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 0 } ) .. _MongoDB shell: