Configuring Babel ================= `Babel`_ is automatically configured for all ``.js`` and ``.jsx`` files via the ``babel-loader`` with sensible defaults (e.g. with the ``@babel/preset-env`` and ``@babel/preset-react`` if requested). Need to extend the Babel configuration further? The easiest way is via ``configureBabel()``: .. code-block:: javascript // webpack.config.js // ... Encore // ... .configureBabel(function(babelConfig) { // add additional presets babelConfig.presets.push('@babel/preset-flow'); // no plugins are added by default, but you can add some babelConfig.plugins.push('styled-jsx/babel'); }, { // node_modules is not processed through Babel by default // but you can whitelist specific modules to process includeNodeModules: ['foundation-sites'], // or completely control the exclude rule (note that you // can't use both "includeNodeModules" and "exclude" at // the same time) exclude: /bower_components/ }) ; Configuring Browser Targets --------------------------- The ``@babel/preset-env`` preset rewrites your JavaScript so that the final syntax will work in whatever browsers you want. To configure the browsers that you need to support, see :ref:`browserslist_package_config`. After changing your "browserslist" config, you will need to manually remove the babel cache directory: .. code-block:: terminal # On Unix run this command. On Windows, clear this directory manually $ rm -rf node_modules/.cache/babel-loader/ Creating a ``.babelrc`` File ---------------------------- Instead of calling ``configureBabel()``, you could create a ``.babelrc`` file at the root of your project. This is a more "standard" way of configuring Babel, but it has a downside: as soon as a ``.babelrc`` file is present, **Encore can no longer add any Babel configuration for you**. For example, if you call ``Encore.enableReactPreset()``, the ``react`` preset will *not* automatically be added to Babel: you must add it yourself in ``.babelrc``. As soon as a ``.babelrc`` file is present, it will take priority over the Babel configuration added by Encore. .. _`Babel`: