Using a CDN =========== Are you deploying to a CDN? That's awesome :) Once you've made sure that your built files are uploaded to the CDN, configure it in Encore: .. code-block:: diff // webpack.config.js // ... Encore .setOutputPath('public/build/') // in dev mode, don't use the CDN .setPublicPath('/build'); // ... ; + if (Encore.isProduction()) { + Encore.setPublicPath(''); + + // guarantee that the keys in manifest.json are *still* + // prefixed with build/ + // (e.g. "build/dashboard.js": "") + Encore.setManifestKeyPrefix('build/'); + } That's it! Internally, Webpack will now know to load assets from your CDN - e.g. ````. .. note:: It's still your responsibility to put your assets on the CDN - e.g. by uploading them or by using "origin pull", where your CDN pulls assets directly from your web server. You *do* need to make sure that the ``script`` and ``link`` tags you include on your pages also use the CDN. Fortunately, the :ref:`entrypoints.json ` paths are updated to include the full URL to the CDN. If you are using ``Encore.enableIntegrityHashes()`` and your CDN and your domain are not the `same-origin`_, you may need to set the ``crossorigin`` option in your webpack_encore.yaml configuration to ``anonymous`` or ``use-credentials`` to overcome CORS errors. .. _`same-origin`: