Encore: Setting up your Project =============================== After :doc:`installing Encore `, your app already has one CSS and one JS file, organized into an ``assets/`` directory: * ``assets/js/app.js`` * ``assets/css/app.css`` With Encore, think of your ``app.js`` file like a standalone JavaScript application: it will *require* all of the dependencies it needs (e.g. jQuery or React), *including* any CSS. Your ``app.js`` file is already doing this with a special ``require()`` function: .. code-block:: javascript // assets/js/app.js // ... require('../css/app.css'); // var $ = require('jquery'); Encore's job (via Webpack) is simple: to read and follow *all* of the ``require()`` statements and create one final ``app.js`` (and ``app.css``) that contains *everything* your app needs. Encore can do a lot more: minify files, pre-process Sass/LESS, support React, Vue.js, etc. Configuring Encore/Webpack -------------------------- Everything in Encore is configured via a ``webpack.config.js`` file at the root of your project. It already holds the basic config you need: .. code-block:: javascript // webpack.config.js var Encore = require('@symfony/webpack-encore'); Encore // directory where compiled assets will be stored .setOutputPath('public/build/') // public path used by the web server to access the output path .setPublicPath('/build') .addEntry('app', './assets/js/app.js') // ... ; // ... They *key* part is ``addEntry()``: this tells Encore to load the ``assets/js/app.js`` file and follow *all* of the ``require()`` statements. It will then package everything together and - thanks to the first ``app`` argument - output final ``app.js`` and ``app.css`` files into the ``public/build`` directory. .. _encore-build-assets: To build the assets, run: .. code-block:: terminal # compile assets once $ yarn encore dev # or, recompile assets automatically when files change $ yarn encore dev --watch # on deploy, create a production build $ yarn encore production .. note:: Stop and restart ``encore`` each time you update your ``webpack.config.js`` file. Congrats! You now have three new files: * ``public/build/app.js`` (holds all the JavaScript for your "app" entry) * ``public/build/app.css`` (holds all the CSS for your "app" entry) * ``public/build/runtime.js`` (a file that helps Webpack do its job) Next, include these in your base layout file. Two Twig helpers from WebpackEncoreBundle can do most of the work for you: .. code-block:: html+twig {# templates/base.html.twig #} {% block stylesheets %} {# 'app' must match the first argument to addEntry() in webpack.config.js #} {{ encore_entry_link_tags('app') }} {% endblock %} {% block javascripts %} {{ encore_entry_script_tags('app') }} {% endblock %} .. _encore-entrypointsjson-simple-description: That's it! When you refresh your page, all of the JavaScript from ``assets/js/app.js`` - as well as any other JavaScript files it included - will be executed. All the CSS files that were required will also be displayed. The ``encore_entry_link_tags()`` and ``encore_entry_script_tags()`` functions read from an ``entrypoints.json`` file that's generated by Encore to know the exact filename(s) to render. This file is *especially* useful because you can :doc:`enable versioning` or :doc:`point assets to a CDN` without making *any* changes to your template: the paths in ``entrypoints.json`` will always be the final, correct paths. If you're *not* using Symfony, you can ignore the ``entrypoints.json`` file and point to the final, built file directly. ``entrypoints.json`` is only required for some optional features. .. versionadded:: 0.21.0 The ``encore_entry_link_tags()`` comes from WebpackEncoreBundle and relies on a feature in Encore that was first introduced in version 0.21.0. Previously, the ``asset()`` function was used to point directly to the file. Requiring JavaScript Modules ---------------------------- Webpack is a module bundler, which means that you can ``require`` other JavaScript files. First, create a file that exports a function: .. code-block:: javascript // assets/js/greet.js module.exports = function(name) { return `Yo yo ${name} - welcome to Encore!`; }; We'll use jQuery to print this message on the page. Install it via: .. code-block:: terminal $ yarn add jquery --dev Great! Use ``require()`` to import ``jquery`` and ``greet.js``: .. code-block:: diff // assets/js/app.js // ... + // loads the jquery package from node_modules + var $ = require('jquery'); + // import the function from greet.js (the .js extension is optional) + // ./ (or ../) means to look for a local file + var greet = require('./greet'); + $(document).ready(function() { + $('body').prepend('


'); + }); That's it! If you previously ran ``encore dev --watch``, your final, built files have already been updated: jQuery and ``greet.js`` have been automatically added to the output file (``app.js``). Refresh to see the message! The import and export Statements -------------------------------- Instead of using ``require()`` and ``module.exports`` like shown above, JavaScript provides an alternate syntax based on the `ECMAScript 6 modules`_ that includes the ability to use dynamic imports. To export values using the alternate syntax, use ``export``: .. code-block:: diff // assets/js/greet.js - module.exports = function(name) { + export default function(name) { return `Yo yo ${name} - welcome to Encore!`; }; To import values, use ``import``: .. code-block:: diff // assets/js/app.js - require('../css/app.css'); + import '../css/app.css'; - var $ = require('jquery'); + import $ from 'jquery'; - var greet = require('./greet'); + import greet from './greet'; .. _multiple-javascript-entries: Page-Specific JavaScript or CSS (Multiple Entries) -------------------------------------------------- So far, you only have one final JavaScript file: ``app.js``. For small applications or SPA's (Single Page Applications), that might be fine! However, as your app grows, you may want to have page-specific JavaScript or CSS (e.g. checkout, account, etc.). To handle this, create a new "entry" JavaScript file for each page: .. code-block:: javascript // assets/js/checkout.js // custom code for your checkout page .. code-block:: javascript // assets/js/account.js // custom code for your account page Next, use ``addEntry()`` to tell Webpack to read these two new files when it builds: .. code-block:: diff // webpack.config.js Encore // ... .addEntry('app', './assets/js/app.js') + .addEntry('checkout', './assets/js/checkout.js') + .addEntry('account', './assets/js/account.js') // ... And because you just changed the ``webpack.config.js`` file, make sure to stop and restart Encore: .. code-block:: terminal $ yarn run encore dev --watch Webpack will now output a new ``checkout.js`` file and a new ``account.js`` file in your build directory. And, if any of those files require/import CSS, Webpack will *also* output ``checkout.css`` and ``account.css`` files. Finally, include the ``script`` and ``link`` tags on the individual pages where you need them: .. code-block:: diff {# templates/.../checkout.html.twig #} {% extends 'base.html.twig' %} + {% block stylesheets %} + {{ parent() }} + {{ encore_entry_link_tags('checkout') }} + {% endblock %} + {% block javascripts %} + {{ parent() }} + {{ encore_entry_script_tags('checkout') }} + {% endblock %} Now, the checkout page will contain all the JavaScript and CSS for the ``app`` entry (because this is included in ``base.html.twig`` and there is the ``{{ parent() }}`` call) *and* your ``checkout`` entry. See :doc:`/frontend/encore/page-specific-assets` for more details. To avoid duplicating the same code in different entry files, see :doc:`/frontend/encore/split-chunks`. Using Sass/LESS/Stylus ---------------------- You've already mastered the basics of Encore. Nice! But, there are *many* more features that you can opt into if you need them. For example, instead of using plain CSS you can also use Sass, LESS or Stylus. To use Sass, rename the ``app.css`` file to ``app.scss`` and update the ``import`` statement: .. code-block:: diff // assets/js/app.js - import '../css/app.css'; + import '../css/app.scss'; Then, tell Encore to enable the Sass pre-processor: .. code-block:: diff // webpack.config.js Encore // ... + .enableSassLoader() ; Because you just changed your ``webpack.config.js`` file, you'll need to restart Encore. When you do, you'll see an error! .. code-block:: terminal > Error: Install sass-loader & node-sass to use enableSassLoader() > yarn add sass-loader@^7.0.1 node-sass --dev Encore supports many features. But, instead of forcing all of them on you, when you need a feature, Encore will tell you what you need to install. Run: .. code-block:: terminal $ yarn add sass-loader@^7.0.1 node-sass --dev $ yarn encore dev --watch Your app now supports Sass. Encore also supports LESS and Stylus. See :doc:`/frontend/encore/css-preprocessors`. Compiling Only a CSS File ------------------------- .. caution:: Using ``addStyleEntry()`` is supported, but not recommended. A better option is to follow the pattern above: use ``addEntry()`` to point to a JavaScript file, then require the CSS needed from inside of that. If you want to only compile a CSS file, that's possible via ``addStyleEntry()``: .. code-block:: javascript // webpack.config.js Encore // ... .addStyleEntry('some_page', './assets/css/some_page.css') ; This will output a new ``some_page.css``. Keep Going! ----------- Encore supports many more features! For a full list of what you can do, see `Encore's index.js file`_. Or, go back to :ref:`list of Encore articles `. .. _`Encore's index.js file`: https://github.com/symfony/webpack-encore/blob/master/index.js .. _`ECMAScript 6 modules`: https://hacks.mozilla.org/2015/08/es6-in-depth-modules/