.. index:: single: Logging single: Logging; Exclude 404 Errors single: Monolog; Exclude 404 Errors How to Configure Monolog to Exclude 404 Errors from the Log =========================================================== .. tip:: Read :doc:`/logging/monolog_exclude_http_codes` to learn about a similar but more generic feature that allows to exclude logs for any HTTP status code and not only 404 errors. Sometimes your logs become flooded with unwanted 404 HTTP errors, for example, when an attacker scans your app for some well-known application paths (e.g. `/phpmyadmin`). When using a ``fingers_crossed`` handler, you can exclude logging these 404 errors based on a regular expression in the MonologBundle configuration: .. configuration-block:: .. code-block:: yaml # config/packages/prod/monolog.yaml monolog: handlers: main: # ... type: fingers_crossed handler: ... excluded_404s: - ^/phpmyadmin .. code-block:: xml ^/phpmyadmin .. code-block:: php // config/packages/prod/monolog.php $container->loadFromExtension('monolog', [ 'handlers' => [ 'main' => [ // ... 'type' => 'fingers_crossed', 'handler' => ..., 'excluded_404s' => [ '^/phpmyadmin', ], ], ], ]); .. caution:: Combining ``excluded_404s`` with a ``passthru_level`` lower than ``error`` (i.e. ``debug``, ``info``, ``notice`` or ``warning``) will not actually exclude log messages for the URL(s) listed in ``excluded_404s`` because they are logged with level of ``error`` or higher and ``passthru_level`` takes precedence over the URLs being listed in ``excluded_404s``.