.. index:: single: Doctrine; ORM configuration reference single: Configuration reference; Doctrine ORM Doctrine Configuration Reference (DoctrineBundle) ================================================= The DoctrineBundle integrates both the :doc:`DBAL ` and :doc:`ORM ` Doctrine projects in Symfony applications. All these options are configured under the ``doctrine`` key in your application configuration. .. code-block:: terminal # displays the default config values defined by Symfony $ php bin/console config:dump-reference doctrine # displays the actual config values used by your application $ php bin/console debug:config doctrine .. note:: When using XML, you must use the ``http://symfony.com/schema/dic/doctrine`` namespace and the related XSD schema is available at: ``https://symfony.com/schema/dic/doctrine/doctrine-1.0.xsd`` .. index:: single: Configuration; Doctrine DBAL single: Doctrine; DBAL configuration .. _`reference-dbal-configuration`: Doctrine DBAL Configuration --------------------------- DoctrineBundle supports all parameters that default Doctrine drivers accept, converted to the XML or YAML naming standards that Symfony enforces. See the Doctrine `DBAL documentation`_ for more information. The following block shows all possible configuration keys: .. configuration-block:: .. code-block:: yaml doctrine: dbal: dbname: database host: localhost port: 1234 user: user password: secret driver: pdo_mysql # if the url option is specified, it will override the above config url: mysql://db_user:db_password@ # the DBAL driverClass option driver_class: App\DBAL\MyDatabaseDriver # the DBAL driverOptions option options: foo: bar path: '%kernel.project_dir%/var/data/data.sqlite' memory: true unix_socket: /tmp/mysql.sock # the DBAL wrapperClass option wrapper_class: App\DBAL\MyConnectionWrapper charset: UTF8 logging: '%kernel.debug%' platform_service: App\DBAL\MyDatabasePlatformService server_version: '5.6' mapping_types: enum: string types: custom: App\DBAL\MyCustomType .. code-block:: xml bar string App\DBAL\MyCustomType .. note:: The ``server_version`` option was added in Doctrine DBAL 2.5, which is used by DoctrineBundle 1.3. The value of this option should match your database server version (use ``postgres -V`` or ``psql -V`` command to find your PostgreSQL version and ``mysql -V`` to get your MySQL version). If you are running a MariaDB database, you must prefix the ``server_version`` value with ``mariadb-`` (e.g. ``server_version: mariadb-10.2.12``). Always wrap the server version number with quotes to parse it as a string instead of a float number. Otherwise, the floating-point representation issues can make your version be considered a different number (e.g. ``5.6`` will be rounded as ``5.5999999999999996447286321199499070644378662109375``). If you don't define this option and you haven't created your database yet, you may get ``PDOException`` errors because Doctrine will try to guess the database server version automatically and none is available. If you want to configure multiple connections in YAML, put them under the ``connections`` key and give them a unique name: .. code-block:: yaml doctrine: dbal: default_connection: default connections: default: dbname: Symfony user: root password: null host: localhost server_version: '5.6' customer: dbname: customer user: root password: null host: localhost server_version: '5.7' The ``database_connection`` service always refers to the *default* connection, which is the first one defined or the one configured via the ``default_connection`` parameter. Each connection is also accessible via the ``doctrine.dbal.[name]_connection`` service where ``[name]`` is the name of the connection. In a controller extending ``AbstractController``, you can access it directly using the ``getConnection()`` method and the name of the connection:: $connection = $this->getDoctrine()->getConnection('customer'); $result = $connection->fetchAll('SELECT name FROM customer'); Doctrine ORM Configuration -------------------------- This following configuration example shows all the configuration defaults that the ORM resolves to: .. code-block:: yaml doctrine: orm: auto_mapping: true # the standard distribution overrides this to be true in debug, false otherwise auto_generate_proxy_classes: false proxy_namespace: Proxies proxy_dir: '%kernel.cache_dir%/doctrine/orm/Proxies' default_entity_manager: default metadata_cache_driver: array query_cache_driver: array result_cache_driver: array There are lots of other configuration options that you can use to overwrite certain classes, but those are for very advanced use-cases only. Shortened Configuration Syntax ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you are only using one entity manager, all config options available can be placed directly under ``doctrine.orm`` config level. .. code-block:: yaml doctrine: orm: # ... query_cache_driver: # ... metadata_cache_driver: # ... result_cache_driver: # ... connection: ~ class_metadata_factory_name: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataFactory default_repository_class: Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository auto_mapping: false hydrators: # ... mappings: # ... dql: # ... filters: # ... This shortened version is commonly used in other documentation sections. Keep in mind that you can't use both syntaxes at the same time. Caching Drivers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use any of the existing :doc:`Symfony Cache ` pools or define new pools to cache each of Doctrine ORM elements (queries, results, etc.): .. code-block:: yaml # config/packages/prod/doctrine.yaml framework: cache: pools: doctrine.result_cache_pool: adapter: cache.app doctrine.system_cache_pool: adapter: cache.system doctrine: orm: # ... metadata_cache_driver: type: pool pool: doctrine.system_cache_pool query_cache_driver: type: pool pool: doctrine.system_cache_pool result_cache_driver: type: pool pool: doctrine.result_cache_pool # in addition to Symfony Cache pools, you can also use the # 'type: service' option to use any service as the cache query_cache_driver: type: service id: App\ORM\MyCacheService Mapping Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Explicit definition of all the mapped entities is the only necessary configuration for the ORM and there are several configuration options that you can control. The following configuration options exist for a mapping: ``type`` ........ One of ``annotation`` (the default value), ``xml``, ``yml``, ``php`` or ``staticphp``. This specifies which type of metadata type your mapping uses. ``dir`` ....... Absolute path to the mapping or entity files (depending on the driver). ``prefix`` .......... A common namespace prefix that all entities of this mapping share. This prefix should never conflict with prefixes of other defined mappings otherwise some of your entities cannot be found by Doctrine. ``alias`` ......... Doctrine offers a way to alias entity namespaces to simpler, shorter names to be used in DQL queries or for Repository access. ``is_bundle`` ............. This option is ``false`` by default and it's considered a legacy option. It was only useful in previous Symfony versions, when it was recommended to use bundles to organize the application code. Custom Mapping Entities in a Bundle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Doctrine's ``auto_mapping`` feature loads annotation configuration from the ``Entity/`` directory of each bundle *and* looks for other formats (e.g. YAML, XML) in the ``Resources/config/doctrine`` directory. If you store metadata somewhere else in your bundle, you can define your own mappings, where you tell Doctrine exactly *where* to look, along with some other configurations. If you're using the ``auto_mapping`` configuration, you just need to overwrite the configurations you want. In this case it's important that the key of the mapping configurations corresponds to the name of the bundle. For example, suppose you decide to store your ``XML`` configuration for ``AppBundle`` entities in the ``@AppBundle/SomeResources/config/doctrine`` directory instead: .. configuration-block:: .. code-block:: yaml doctrine: # ... orm: # ... auto_mapping: true mappings: # ... AppBundle: type: xml dir: SomeResources/config/doctrine .. code-block:: xml .. code-block:: php $container->loadFromExtension('doctrine', [ 'orm' => [ 'auto_mapping' => true, 'mappings' => [ 'AppBundle' => ['dir' => 'SomeResources/config/doctrine', 'type' => 'xml'], ], ], ]); Mapping Entities Outside of a Bundle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For example, the following looks for entity classes in the ``Entity`` namespace in the ``src/Entity`` directory and gives them an ``App`` alias (so you can say things like ``App:Post``): .. configuration-block:: .. code-block:: yaml doctrine: # ... orm: # ... mappings: # ... SomeEntityNamespace: type: annotation dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Entity' is_bundle: false prefix: App\Entity alias: App .. code-block:: xml .. code-block:: php $container->loadFromExtension('doctrine', [ 'orm' => [ 'auto_mapping' => true, 'mappings' => [ 'SomeEntityNamespace' => [ 'type' => 'annotation', 'dir' => '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Entity', 'is_bundle' => false, 'prefix' => 'App\Entity', 'alias' => 'App', ], ], ], ]); Detecting a Mapping Configuration Format ........................................ If the ``type`` on the bundle configuration isn't set, the DoctrineBundle will try to detect the correct mapping configuration format for the bundle. DoctrineBundle will look for files matching ``*.orm.[FORMAT]`` (e.g. ``Post.orm.yaml``) in the configured ``dir`` of your mapping (if you're mapping a bundle, then ``dir`` is relative to the bundle's directory). The bundle looks for (in this order) XML, YAML and PHP files. Using the ``auto_mapping`` feature, every bundle can have only one configuration format. The bundle will stop as soon as it locates one. If it wasn't possible to determine a configuration format for a bundle, the DoctrineBundle will check if there is an ``Entity`` folder in the bundle's root directory. If the folder exist, Doctrine will fall back to using an annotation driver. Default Value of Dir .................... If ``dir`` is not specified, then its default value depends on which configuration driver is being used. For drivers that rely on the PHP files (annotation, ``staticphp``) it will be ``[Bundle]/Entity``. For drivers that are using configuration files (XML, YAML, ...) it will be ``[Bundle]/Resources/config/doctrine``. If the ``dir`` configuration is set and the ``is_bundle`` configuration is ``true``, the DoctrineBundle will prefix the ``dir`` configuration with the path of the bundle. .. _DBAL documentation: https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-dbal/en/current/reference/configuration.html