Count ===== Validates that a given collection's (i.e. an array or an object that implements Countable) element count is *between* some minimum and maximum value. ========== =================================================================== Applies to :ref:`property or method ` Options - `divisibleBy`_ - `divisibleByMessage`_ - `exactMessage`_ - `groups`_ - `max`_ - `maxMessage`_ - `min`_ - `minMessage`_ - `payload`_ Class :class:`Symfony\\Component\\Validator\\Constraints\\Count` Validator :class:`Symfony\\Component\\Validator\\Constraints\\CountValidator` ========== =================================================================== Basic Usage ----------- To verify that the ``emails`` array field contains between 1 and 5 elements you might add the following: .. configuration-block:: .. code-block:: php-annotations // src/Entity/Participant.php namespace App\Entity; use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert; class Participant { /** * @Assert\Count( * min = 1, * max = 5, * minMessage = "You must specify at least one email", * maxMessage = "You cannot specify more than {{ limit }} emails" * ) */ protected $emails = []; } .. code-block:: yaml # config/validator/validation.yaml App\Entity\Participant: properties: emails: - Count: min: 1 max: 5 minMessage: 'You must specify at least one email' maxMessage: 'You cannot specify more than {{ limit }} emails' .. code-block:: xml .. code-block:: php // src/Entity/Participant.php namespace App\Entity; use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert; use Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\ClassMetadata; class Participant { public static function loadValidatorMetadata(ClassMetadata $metadata) { $metadata->addPropertyConstraint('emails', new Assert\Count([ 'min' => 1, 'max' => 5, 'minMessage' => 'You must specify at least one email', 'maxMessage' => 'You cannot specify more than {{ limit }} emails', ])); } } Options ------- divisibleBy ~~~~~~~~~~~ **type**: ``integer`` **default**: null .. versionadded:: 5.1 The ``divisibleBy`` option was introduced in Symfony 5.1. Validates that the number of elements of the given collection is divisible by a certain number. .. seealso:: If you need to validate that other types of data different from collections are divisible by a certain number, use the :doc:`DivisibleBy ` constraint. divisibleByMessage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **type**: ``string`` **default**: ``The number of elements in this collection should be a multiple of {{ compared_value }}.`` .. versionadded:: 5.1 The ``divisibleByMessage`` option was introduced in Symfony 5.1. The message that will be shown if the number of elements of the given collection is not divisible by the number defined in the ``divisibleBy`` option. You can use the following parameters in this message: ======================== =================================================== Parameter Description ======================== =================================================== ``{{ compared_value }}`` The number configured in the ``divisibleBy`` option ======================== =================================================== exactMessage ~~~~~~~~~~~~ **type**: ``string`` **default**: ``This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} elements.`` The message that will be shown if min and max values are equal and the underlying collection elements count is not exactly this value. You can use the following parameters in this message: =============== ============================================================== Parameter Description =============== ============================================================== ``{{ count }}`` The current collection size ``{{ limit }}`` The exact expected collection size =============== ============================================================== .. include:: /reference/constraints/ max ~~~ **type**: ``integer`` This option is the "max" count value. Validation will fail if the given collection elements count is **greater** than this max value. This option is required when the ``min`` option is not defined. maxMessage ~~~~~~~~~~ **type**: ``string`` **default**: ``This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or less.`` The message that will be shown if the underlying collection elements count is more than the `max`_ option. You can use the following parameters in this message: =============== ============================================================== Parameter Description =============== ============================================================== ``{{ count }}`` The current collection size ``{{ limit }}`` The upper limit =============== ============================================================== min ~~~ **type**: ``integer`` This option is the "min" count value. Validation will fail if the given collection elements count is **less** than this min value. This option is required when the ``max`` option is not defined. minMessage ~~~~~~~~~~ **type**: ``string`` **default**: ``This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or more.`` The message that will be shown if the underlying collection elements count is less than the `min`_ option. You can use the following parameters in this message: =============== ============================================================== Parameter Description =============== ============================================================== ``{{ count }}`` The current collection size ``{{ limit }}`` The lower limit =============== ============================================================== .. include:: /reference/constraints/