.. index:: Vagrant, Homestead Using Symfony with Homestead/Vagrant ==================================== In order to develop a Symfony application, you might want to use a virtual development environment instead of the built-in server or WAMP/LAMP. `Homestead`_ is an easy-to-use `Vagrant`_ box to get a virtual environment up and running quickly. .. tip:: Due to the amount of filesystem operations in Symfony (e.g. updating cache files and writing to log files), Symfony can slow down significantly. To improve the speed, consider :ref:`overriding the cache and log directories ` to a location outside the NFS share (for instance, by using :phpfunction:`sys_get_temp_dir`). You can read `this blog post`_ for more tips to speed up Symfony on Vagrant. Install Vagrant and Homestead ----------------------------- Before you can use Homestead, you need to install and configure Vagrant and Homestead as explained in `the Homestead documentation`_. Setting Up a Symfony Application -------------------------------- Imagine you've installed your Symfony application in ``~/projects/symfony_demo`` on your local system. You first need Homestead to sync your files in this project. Execute ``homestead edit`` to edit the Homestead configuration and configure the ``~/projects`` directory: .. code-block:: yaml # ... folders: - map: ~/projects to: /home/vagrant/projects The ``projects/`` directory on your PC is now accessible at ``/home/vagrant/projects`` in the Homestead environment. After you've done this, configure the Symfony application in the Homestead configuration: .. code-block:: yaml # ... sites: - map: symfony-demo.test to: /home/vagrant/projects/symfony_demo/public type: symfony4 The ``type`` option tells Homestead to use the Symfony nginx configuration. Homestead now supports a Symfony 2 and 3 web layout with ``app.php`` and ``app_dev.php`` when using type ``symfony2`` and an ``index.php`` layout when using type ``symfony4``. At last, edit the hosts file on your local machine to map ``symfony-demo.test`` to ```` (which is the IP used by Homestead):: # /etc/hosts (unix) or C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts (Windows) symfony-demo.test Now, navigate to ``http://symfony-demo.test`` in your web browser and enjoy developing your Symfony application! .. seealso:: To learn more features of Homestead, including Blackfire Profiler integration, automatic creation of MySQL databases and more, read the `Daily Usage`_ section of the Homestead documentation. .. _`Homestead`: https://laravel.com/docs/homestead .. _`Vagrant`: https://www.vagrantup.com/ .. _`the Homestead documentation`: https://laravel.com/docs/homestead#installation-and-setup .. _`Daily Usage`: https://laravel.com/docs/homestead#daily-usage .. _`this blog post`: https://beberlei.de/2013/08/19/speedup_symfony2_on_vagrant_boxes.html