How to Customize the Bootstrap Process before Running Tests =========================================================== Sometimes when running tests, you need to do additional bootstrap work before running those tests. For example, if you're running a functional test and have introduced a new translation resource, then you will need to clear your cache before running those tests. To do this, first add a file that executes your bootstrap work:: // tests/bootstrap.php if (isset($_ENV['BOOTSTRAP_CLEAR_CACHE_ENV'])) { // executes the "php bin/console cache:clear" command passthru(sprintf( 'APP_ENV=%s php "%s/../bin/console" cache:clear --no-warmup', $_ENV['BOOTSTRAP_CLEAR_CACHE_ENV'], __DIR__ )); } require __DIR__.'/../config/bootstrap.php'; Then, configure ``phpunit.xml.dist`` to execute this ``bootstrap.php`` file before running the tests: .. code-block:: xml Now, you can define in your ``phpunit.xml.dist`` file which environment you want the cache to be cleared: .. code-block:: xml This now becomes an environment variable (i.e. ``$_ENV``) that's available in the custom bootstrap file (``tests/bootstrap.php``).