Symfony Documentation¶
Getting Started¶
- Symfonyフレームワークのベストプラクティス
- The Bundle System
- Cache
- Console Commands
- Databases and the Doctrine ORM
- How to Deploy a Symfony Application
- Swift Mailer
- Events and Event Listeners
- Forms
- Managing CSS and JavaScript
- HTTP Cache
- Logging
- Sending Emails with Mailer
- Pushing Data to Clients Using the Mercure Protocol
- Messenger: Sync & Queued Message Handling
- Migrating an Existing Application to Symfony
- Creating and Sending Notifications
- Performance
- Profiler
- Routing
- Security
- Sessions
- Installing & Setting up the Symfony Framework
- How to Use the Serializer
- Service Container
- Testing
- Translations
- Validation
- Asset Preloading and Resource Hints with HTTP/2 and WebLink
- Workflow
Reference Documents¶
Get answers quickly with reference documents:
Configuration Options
Ever wondered what configuration options you have available to you in
files? In this section, all the available configuration is broken down by the key (e.g.framework
) that defines each possible section of your Symfony configuration.Forms and Validation
Other Areas
Create your Own Framework¶
Want to create your own framework based on Symfony?
- Introduction
- The HttpFoundation Component
- The Front Controller
- The Routing Component
- Templating
- The HttpKernel Component: the Controller Resolver
- The Separation of Concerns
- Unit Testing
- The EventDispatcher Component
- The HttpKernel Component: HttpKernelInterface
- The HttpKernel Component: The HttpKernel Class
- The DependencyInjection Component