The Components¶
- How to Install and Use the Symfony Components
- The Asset Component
- The BrowserKit Component
- The Cache Component
- The ClassLoader Component
- The Config Component
- The Console Component
- The Contracts Component
- The CssSelector Component
- The DependencyInjection Component
- The DomCrawler Component
- The Dotenv Component
- The ErrorHandler Component
- The EventDispatcher Component
- The ExpressionLanguage Component
- The Filesystem Component
- The Finder Component
- The Form Component
- The HttpClient Component
- The HttpFoundation Component
- The HttpKernel Component
- The Inflector Component
- The Intl Component
- The Ldap Component
- The Lock Component
- The Mailer Component
- The Mercure Component
- The Messenger Component
- The Mime Component
- The OptionsResolver Component
- The PHPUnit Bridge
- The Symfony Polyfill / APCu Component
- The Symfony Polyfill / Ctype Component
- The Symfony Polyfill / Iconv Component
- The Symfony Polyfill / Intl Grapheme Component
- The Symfony Polyfill / Intl ICU Component
- The Symfony Polyfill / Intl IDN Component
- The Symfony Polyfill / Intl MessageFormatter Component
- The Symfony Polyfill / Intl Normalizer Component
- The Symfony Polyfill / Mbstring Component
- The Symfony Polyfill / PHP 5.4 Component
- The Symfony Polyfill / PHP 5.5 Component
- The Symfony Polyfill / PHP 5.6 Component
- The Symfony Polyfill / PHP 7.0 Component
- The Symfony Polyfill / PHP 7.1 Component
- The Symfony Polyfill / PHP 7.2 Component
- The Symfony Polyfill / PHP 7.3 Component
- The Symfony Polyfill / UUID Component
- The Process Component
- The PropertyAccess Component
- The PropertyInfo Component
- The PSR-7 Bridge
- The Security Component
- The Serializer Component
- The Stopwatch Component
- The String Component
- The Templating Component
- The UID Component
- The Validator Component
- The VarDumper Component
- The VarExporter Component
- The WebLink Component
- The Workflow Component
- The Yaml Component