The Filesystem Component

The Filesystem component provides basic utilities for the filesystem.


$ composer require symfony/filesystem


If you install this component outside of a Symfony application, you must require the vendor/autoload.php file in your code to enable the class autoloading mechanism provided by Composer. Read this article for more details.


The Filesystem class is the unique endpoint for filesystem operations:

use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Exception\IOExceptionInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem;

$filesystem = new Filesystem();

try {
    $filesystem->mkdir(sys_get_temp_dir().'/'.random_int(0, 1000));
} catch (IOExceptionInterface $exception) {
    echo "An error occurred while creating your directory at ".$exception->getPath();


Methods mkdir(), exists(), touch(), remove(), chmod(), chown() and chgrp() can receive a string, an array or any object implementing Traversable as the target argument.


mkdir() creates a directory recursively. On POSIX filesystems, directories are created with a default mode value 0777. You can use the second argument to set your own mode:

$filesystem->mkdir('/tmp/photos', 0700);


You can pass an array or any Traversable object as the first argument.


This function ignores already existing directories.


The directory permissions are affected by the current umask. Set the umask for your webserver, use PHP’s umask function or use the chmod function after the directory has been created.


exists() checks for the presence of one or more files or directories and returns false if any of them is missing:

// if this absolute directory exists, returns true

// if rabbit.jpg exists and bottle.png does not exist, returns false
// non-absolute paths are relative to the directory where the running PHP script is stored
$filesystem->exists(['rabbit.jpg', 'bottle.png']);


You can pass an array or any Traversable object as the first argument.


copy() makes a copy of a single file (use mirror() to copy directories). If the target already exists, the file is copied only if the source modification date is later than the target. This behavior can be overridden by the third boolean argument:

// works only if image-ICC has been modified after image.jpg
$filesystem->copy('image-ICC.jpg', 'image.jpg');

// image.jpg will be overridden
$filesystem->copy('image-ICC.jpg', 'image.jpg', true);


touch() sets access and modification time for a file. The current time is used by default. You can set your own with the second argument. The third argument is the access time:

// sets modification time to the current timestamp
// sets modification time 10 seconds in the future
$filesystem->touch('file.txt', time() + 10);
// sets access time 10 seconds in the past
$filesystem->touch('file.txt', time(), time() - 10);


You can pass an array or any Traversable object as the first argument.


chown() changes the owner of a file. The third argument is a boolean recursive option:

// sets the owner of the lolcat video to www-data
$filesystem->chown('lolcat.mp4', 'www-data');
// changes the owner of the video directory recursively
$filesystem->chown('/video', 'www-data', true);


You can pass an array or any Traversable object as the first argument.


chgrp() changes the group of a file. The third argument is a boolean recursive option:

// sets the group of the lolcat video to nginx
$filesystem->chgrp('lolcat.mp4', 'nginx');
// changes the group of the video directory recursively
$filesystem->chgrp('/video', 'nginx', true);


You can pass an array or any Traversable object as the first argument.


chmod() changes the mode or permissions of a file. The fourth argument is a boolean recursive option:

// sets the mode of the video to 0600
$filesystem->chmod('video.ogg', 0600);
// changes the mod of the src directory recursively
$filesystem->chmod('src', 0700, 0000, true);


You can pass an array or any Traversable object as the first argument.


remove() deletes files, directories and symlinks:

$filesystem->remove(['symlink', '/path/to/directory', 'activity.log']);


You can pass an array or any Traversable object as the first argument.


rename() changes the name of a single file or directory:

// renames a file
$filesystem->rename('/tmp/processed_video.ogg', '/path/to/store/video_647.ogg');
// renames a directory
$filesystem->rename('/tmp/files', '/path/to/store/files');


makePathRelative() takes two absolute paths and returns the relative path from the second path to the first one:

// returns '../'
// returns 'videos/'
$filesystem->makePathRelative('/tmp/videos', '/tmp')


mirror() copies all the contents of the source directory into the target one (use the copy() method to copy single files):

$filesystem->mirror('/path/to/source', '/path/to/target');


isAbsolutePath() returns true if the given path is absolute, false otherwise:

// returns true
// returns true
// returns false
// returns false


tempnam() creates a temporary file with a unique filename, and returns its path, or throw an exception on failure:

// returns a path like : /tmp/prefix_wyjgtF
$filesystem->tempnam('/tmp', 'prefix_');
// returns a path like : /tmp/prefix_wyjgtF.png
$filesystem->tempnam('/tmp', 'prefix_', '.png');

バージョン 5.1 で追加: The option to set a suffix in tempnam() was introduced in Symfony 5.1.


dumpFile() saves the given contents into a file. It does this in an atomic manner: it writes a temporary file first and then moves it to the new file location when it’s finished. This means that the user will always see either the complete old file or complete new file (but never a partially-written file):

$filesystem->dumpFile('file.txt', 'Hello World');

The file.txt file contains Hello World now.


appendToFile() adds new contents at the end of some file:

$filesystem->appendToFile('logs.txt', 'Email sent to');

If either the file or its containing directory doesn’t exist, this method creates them before appending the contents.

Error Handling

Whenever something wrong happens, an exception implementing ExceptionInterface or IOExceptionInterface is thrown.


An IOException is thrown if directory creation fails.