The WebLink Component¶
The WebLink component provides tools to manage theLink
HTTP header needed for Web Linking when using HTTP/2 Server Push as well as Resource Hints.
1 | $ composer require symfony/web-link
If you install this component outside of a Symfony application, you must
require the vendor/autoload.php
file in your code to enable the class
autoloading mechanism provided by Composer. Read
this article for more details.
The following example shows the component in action:
use Symfony\Component\WebLink\GenericLinkProvider;
use Symfony\Component\WebLink\HttpHeaderSerializer;
use Symfony\Component\WebLink\Link;
$linkProvider = (new GenericLinkProvider())
->withLink(new Link('preload', '/bootstrap.min.css'));
header('Link: '.(new HttpHeaderSerializer())->serialize($linkProvider->getLinks()));
echo 'Hello';
Read the full WebLink documentation to learn about all the features of the component and its integration with the Symfony framework.